Good morning.
Trött som ...,
morgonen börjar bra iallafall, vi har engelska (ämnet jag bryr mig överlägset mest om),
och jag fick tillbaka min novell med kommentaren
"You are a talented writer, both in style and language.
By using the dramatic curve you create excitement in a classic shape.
Also the topic is classic, sub culture contrasted to society ( –a favourite of mine, for all that matters.)
Grade: MVG"
morgonen börjar bra iallafall, vi har engelska (ämnet jag bryr mig överlägset mest om),
och jag fick tillbaka min novell med kommentaren
"You are a talented writer, both in style and language.
By using the dramatic curve you create excitement in a classic shape.
Also the topic is classic, sub culture contrasted to society ( –a favourite of mine, for all that matters.)
Grade: MVG"
Postat av: Mamms